Nowadays wikis are becoming more and
more popular. They can be used to create entire communities where people can
get together and create and store a whole bunch of interesting activities,
stories, discussions, etc.

Wikis are often compared to blogs in
terms of sharing information and bringing people together. However there is an
essential difference between the two. One of them is that once you have created
a post in your blog it cannot be edited by others, whereas in wikis you have
such tool. For example, students can create a story and the peers can continue
or edit each others’ stories. From my personal experience I can say it is
really fun. Besides, such activities build up a sense of collectivism and
collaboration among learners. Another difference is that blogs are structures
whereas wikis are more flexible in terms of internal and external hyperlinking.
In my view wikis can be used not only
for creating in-class but also extracurricular acivities. In this way the
teacher can indirectly engage his/her students in the learning process outside
classroom. For example, students can use their knowledge of English to get or
create information about any topic they are interested in. Through wikis they
can create their own community or even connect to other communities sharing the
same interests.
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