I would like to continue
reflecting on digital technologies, video games in particular, and their effect
on today’s young generation. It is common knowledge that young people are
actively involved in computer gaming. I think, as teachers we cannot deny the
fact that computer games play a huge role on shaping our young learners’ minds
and behavior. Therefore, their needs and interests are often different from those
of the older generation. Research studies show that these digital technologies
lead to “mind alterations” or “cognitive changes” in the area of learning
(Prensky, 2001). If we are to accept this fact we should think of new ways and
methods of teaching. Traditional in-class activities are no longer effective
with such generation as they do not fit into their learning style and
perception of things.

Thus, today’s teachers
are exposed to a variety of options that can be used effectively to satisfy the
“digital youth’s “ needs and interests.