The podcast I have listened to deals with literacy and reading, in particular. We usually take it for granted that a five or six year-old child develops the ability to read to acquire knowledge about the word surrounding him. However, the actual history of literacy began about 6000 years ago when people started to use the first written symbols.Those were initially used for commercial purposes. It took rather a long time to end with written symbols used for communication.

It was interesting for me to learn that Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, objected to reading and favoured a dialogue. Reading was like the internet of his time. He thought that it hinders critical thinking: people believe everything they read. In reading they have no chance of asking questions or arguing. He opposed reading to a dialogue saying that in face to face communication you can always have the chance to ask the speaker to explain something, or to argue something.
In my opinion Socrates was right, nothing can compare to real communication. Of course, books are great providers of information, but it does not mean that we should believe everything we read. We should always analyse any type of information we get, and also should be able to show a critical approach to what we read.
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